Water symbolises memory, emotions, mysticism, the unknown and the unconscious.
Water is associated with flow, healing, receptivity, cleansing, grief and dreams.
“There are times when you need the extremity of rock, the hardness of an old, cold place against which you can measure yourself. There are times when you need to retreat to the wilderness. But there are times when you need the subtle flow of a river, the song of a waterfall and the deep, slow presence of trees. Times when you need to Return. There are times for holding on, and times for letting go.” ― Sharon Blackie
Water embodies so many qualities. It’s a transformative, shapeshifting element - one of intuition, dreams and change.
Water is both the soft morning dew and the fury of a tsunami. It has the power to shape rocks and form life itself; we are born in the waters of the womb. Our bodies are made of 60-80% water, it’s the liquid we share with the skies; containing the wisdom of the world. Water is the great mysterious gift of life.
Over the next seven days, we will look to water for its association with dreams and the unconscious creative mind. The watery realms are often associated with the mystery and the mystic. The depths of the oceans, and our imaginations, contain great secrets and treasures, much of which is still unknown. Working with water asks us to let go of what we think we know, to look for the subtle messages within the day, and to recognise that the great mystery is co-curating with us. See what synchronicities arise for you this week.
This week you are encouraged to spend time with water in its many forms; seek out natural springs, and spend time with rivers, oceans and lakes. Allow yourself time to dream with ritual baths and tea meditations. Begin a dream journal and journal after meditation to connect to your inner waters, it’s often in these in-between states we can find inspiration.
“The magic is not in the analyzing or the understanding. The magic lives in the wonder of what we do not know.” ― Rick Rubin
WATER & Dream tending CIRCLE
Passcode: !Ws6D1eu
Keep your journal by your bed this week. Upon waking take up your pen and write down any dreams you may have had. Often when we start writing more of the dream comes to us and we begin to remember more. If you aren’t having any dreams you can simply draw some shapes or mark-make, charcoals or pastels are a great material for this. You can also do this if you prefer intuitive shapes over words. Notice what arises from the well of inspiration during these next three weeks.
Pick one of the mediums in bold to explore in your dedicated creative practice. Water often adds an ephemeral softness to our work, see what this can bring to yours. Share your findings and inspiration in our community group.
If you have time, return to the tea meditation from our Water circle. Practice being mindful with your tea and notice what arises once you get quiet.
Tea Meditation / Ceremony
Ritual Bathing
Dream Journaling
River Offerings
Making Inks
Natural Dyes
Working with shells, sand, water
“You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.” – Alan Watts
This is a short, simple meditation that can be done every morning this week. This meditation focuses on the breath as a point of focus, turning your inner landscape into an ocean of peace.
Mini Workshop - Intentional solar dyes
To create your own solar dye you will need:
Jar with a lid (small to medium size)
Piece of pre-mordanted natural fabric (cotton, linen, bamboo, hemp, silk)
Warm/Hot Water
Dyestuffs: black tea, onion skins, aldar leaves, oak leaves, nettle, rosemary, calendula
If you’re new to natural dyes, here are trusted guides to mordanting with soya milk:
If you want to learn more about natural dyes you can find out more in my Introduction to Natural Dyes Guide.
“One must be entirely sensitive to the structure of the material that one is handling. One must yield to it in tiny details of execution, perhaps the handling of the surface or grain, and one must master it as a whole.” - Barbara Hepworth
Write down your most memorable dream. Take your time to write this in detail. As you write notice if there are any recurring dreams or symbols.
As you begin to keep a dream journal, notice if you are experiencing any synchronicities between your dreams and the waking world?
Spend time with water - whether the ocean, a river or a simple bowl. Write, draw, sculpt or dance any shapes or reflections that appear in the waters.
If you were a body of water, what would you be? Reflect on this question daily.